Please carefully read the following guidelines and policies before signing and submitting this form.
Principles & Guidelines
The following principles and guidelines govern the rental of the Church facility and services.
The primary use of Promise Church is for the ministries, programs and activities of Promise Church. In order to maintain Promise Church‘s mission and values, the use of the facility must be compatible with the purpose for which Promise Church exists (as stated in our constitution and detailed in our bylaws), and in line with the Statement of Essential Truths of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). The Church Administration has the sole discretion to decide upon the merits of the application. Promise Church has the right to accept or deny any rental request without explanation.
Promise Church will not align or appear to align itself with any organizations or events that will cause the church’s members or the general public to perceive Promise Church in any other way except as a church dedicated to positive Christian beliefs and values as taught and practiced by Promise Church.
Promise Church will not allow rentals to partisan political campaigns. Promise Church will not allow rentals to organizations, or individual renters, whose known purpose, statements or values are contrary to, or in conflict with, Promise Church’s basic Christian principles and/or the PAOC’s Statement of Essential Truths. Promise Church will not allow rentals to events that are deemed unsafe, risky or potentially damaging to the facilities.
The use of the Church facility for a wedding will be permitted at the discretion of the Lead Pastor and so long as the wedding adheres to the PAOC’s Statement of Essential Truths’ definition of marriage which states: “Marriage is a provision of God wherein one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others enter into a lifelong relationship”.
The use of the church facility for a funeral will be permitted at the discretion of Promise Church’s Lead Pastor.
Promise Church cannot be expected, through the renting of the facility or services, below the rate schedule, to financially subsidize the rental.
The Facility rental will not be confirmed until the Promise Church administrator receives the signed contract and Insurance Certificate.
General Policies
Each group is responsible for the behavior of their own guests and participants. Any damage or defacement of the property, including, but not limited to, loss, damage or defacement of furnishings and building grounds, is the responsibility of the renter.
The renter is responsible for leaving the rented spaces (including the washrooms) in the same neat and clean condition they received it. The renter shall only use rooms agreed upon and washroom facilities.
The renter must familiarize themselves with all emergency exits and must not obstruct aisles, hallways or exits. All fire lanes must be kept clear.
Parking on the property is only permitted in designated spots.
The renter will be responsible for all additional charges incurred by Promise Church as a result of improper use of fire or security alarms.
All events are subject to all regulations of government and/or local authorities.
All sales of merchandise related to the event are the responsibility of the renter. Promise Church is not responsible for any cash/credit or debit transactions on behalf of the renter.
Requests to use any church equipment such as podiums, microphones, etc., must be submitted to, and approved by, the Church Administrator at least ten (10) days before the event. On-site staff cannot accommodate last-minute requests.
Unauthorized use of Promise Church sound, lighting, imaging or projection equipment is not allowed. No church owned equipment or property may be removed from the premises.
Groups or individuals wishing to rent Promise Church’s facilities will complete and sign this online form in its entirety and submit it, online, to the Church for approval. If approved, a Certificate of Insurance will be required to confirm the rental.
Promise Church has the right to require a damage deposit of $250. This will be refunded if all conditions have been met.
Rental payment is required, in full, prior to the event.
Insurance & Indemnity Requirements
The renter must present to Promise Church a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 for General Liability, with Promise Church named as additional insured, including a hold harmless clause. This certificate must be provided to reserve the event date.
The Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN) are the Canadian copyright collective for the public performance of musical works. The renter will ensure that all events will have the appropriate fees paid to SOCAN. Promise Church does not take any responsibility in paying the SOCAN fees.
Baby dedications, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers and special meetings are considered part of the ordinances of the church for those who are Promise Church members and shall be considered a church event, and will, therefore, not require additional insurance.