Understanding the costs associated with renting any space is very important. There are a couple charges that make up the fee of any event room rental.
- Which event room you are using?
- How long will you be using the room?
- Any clean up costs associated with using the room?
- Any extra services or requirements above and beyond using the room itself. A simple example, but not limited too, would be hiring an audio video person to run the sound system for the event.
Our base rate for any room is determined by whether you are renting for:
- Half day (4 hours or less)
- Full day (4-8 hours)
- Special Request (more than 8 hours)
Then you add an hourly rate of $30/hour with a 4 hour minimum for the time that it is being used.
Custodial Fee for basic cleanup: TBA
Audio-Video technical fee: TBA if needed
Corporate or Government Rates:
- The Grand Room
- Half Day $400
- Full Day $600
- The Community Room
- Half Day $200
- Full Day $300
- The Board Room
- Half Day $100
- Full Day $100
- The Party Room
- Half Day $100
- Full Day $150
Non-Profit and Community Service Group Rates:
- The Grand Room
- Half Day $400
- Full Day $600
- The Community Room
- Half Day $200
- Full Day $300
- The Board Room
- Half Day $100
- Full Day $100
- The Party Room
- Half Day $100
- Full Day $150
Sample Cost to book an Event Rental Room:
Say you want to book our Grand Room for a function that would last 5 hours, basic cleanup and does not require any extra add on services.
- Base Full Day Rate for Grand Room is $600
- Hourly Rate is 5 hours at $30/hour = $150
- Custodial Fee to be determined but for this example, lets say $100
Cost of event rental would be $850
Support Services
Not sure what other services you might require to make your event a success? Check out our support services page to see what other services are commonly requested when renting an event room.
Event Room Rental Policy
Our facility is here to meet the needs of our local community. Please read our rental policy to understand the terms and conditions that apply to event room rentals run at our facility.
To book an event room, talk to our event co-ordinator to see availability.