The Party Room

While we call this the party room, it can be so much more. The purpose of this room is not about being pretty, it is about functionality. It is designed for small to mid size groups of 5-30 people that are looking for an economical place to meet or get together that is not in their home. We come together, we meet, we have a good time together and then we all go home.

While it could be used for a birthday or anniversary party. It could also be used for a gaming groups to play together, kids clubs, a business training seminar like a first aid course or for any sort of gathering. No matter what your main purpose for getting together, it is a great party room to get together in, to do something together. Whether that be for fun or work.

This is the ideal space for your small meetings or gatherings that still require a collaborative and professional environment. This space offers more seating than our Board Room with the ability to rearrange tables and chairs.

Barrie Street Rentals - Party Event Room
A Party Room can be used for either work or play.

Would you like to learn more about this party room and how you might be able to use it for your special event?

Contact our event co-ordinator today, to learn more about it and to check its availability.